The SHC is located on the campus of Mary Washington on the first floor of Lee Hall, suite 112. You may enter by descending the left stairs from the bookstore or by our separate handicap accessible entrance on the north side of Lee Hall. (When facing the front of Lee Hall, this is on the left side toward the rear of the building.)
The mailing address for the SHC is:
| University of Mary Washington Student Health Center 1301 College Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401 |
Our phone number is:
| 540-654-1040 |
Our FAX number is:
| 540-654-1077 |
Our email is:
| healthcenter@umw.edu |
The closest general parking for the SHC is the parking deck on Alvey Drive. There are a few 30 minute parking spots located on Campus Drive next to Lee Hall. The parking lot adjacent to the Health Center is designated for handicapped only.