ADD Policy
Neither the Talley Center for Counseling Services nor the Student Health Center (SHC) diagnoses or tests for ADHD/ADD. ADHD evaluation requires extensive and careful assessment. Unfortunately, our small campus does not have the resources to provide this service. ADHD can hinder your academic success and impact your life as a whole. Learning to live with and manage your ADHD is important for your overall well-being. If you suspect that you have ADHD, we recommend that you have appropriate testing and treatment prior to entering school.
If you are already at school, Talley Center counselors can provide an initial evaluation of your concern, give general advice and, if appropriate, refer you to a local psychologist for testing. While at UMW, the Talley Center can provide general support, which often includes helping you figure out your strengths, identifying problem areas and recommending ways to cope more effectively. Let us help you learn better ways to manage your study and your life.
The treatment plan of ADHD often includes a medication component. Should this be the case, any such medications should be prescribed and managed by a psychiatrist or your primary care doctor. The Student Health Center clinicians do not write prescriptions for ADHD.
If you are seeking academic accommodations related to ADHD or a learning disability, you will need to be formally evaluated by a psychologist and provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Resources (ODR). Please contact ODR to inquire about required documentation and questions about accommodations. Neither the SHC clinicians nor the Talley Center counselors can provide this documentation for you.