Gardasil is a vaccine by Merck for the prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections and cervical cancer. Unfortunately, because of the high expense of the Gardasil vaccine, we are unable to stock it at UMW. However, we will be very happy to assist students in obtaining the vaccine by writing a prescription. You may then call one of the following pharmacies for an appointment and have the vaccine administered there. Please check with your health insurance first to see that the shot is covered.
Gardasil is administered starting as early as age 9 and up to age 45. Prior to 15th birthday two doses are recommended, or three shots thereafter . The two vaccine series should be given with the second dose 6-12 months after the first dose. The three shot series should be given with the second shot two months after the first, and the third shot four months after the first. Expect to pay $120 to $150 per shot (with no insurance coverage). Here is the CDC information handout on this vaccine.
Giant Pharmacy Park N Shop 1249Jefferson Davis Hwy |
Fredericksburg City Pharmacy 2567 Cowan Blvd Fredericksburg, VA 22407 (540) 479-1405 |