Crowd Management
The Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (Section 403.3) requires Crowd Managers be present for any event where attendance is 1,000 persons or more. This requirement demands that trained personnel, who are familiar with the building and its fire alarm and suppression system (s), are identified prior to an event to assist attendees during an emergency or building evacuation.
This policy applies to all events held on University of Mary Washington property that have an audience of 1,000 persons or more. While smaller events do not require a Crowd Manager, the following guidance should be reviewed and implemented as deemed appropriate and in accordance with best practices or at the direction of the Event Coordinator.
Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code
The VSFPC § 403.3 states:
“Trained crowd managers shall be provided for facilities or events where more than 1,000 persons congregate. The minimum number of crowd managers shall be established at a ratio of one crowd manager to every 250 persons.” For the purpose of this Guide, a congregation includes spectators, general public, performers, and event staff. Events that require Crowd Managers shall have a minimum of four Crowd Managers on-duty, and one additional Crowd Manager for every 250 persons. For example, an event with 1,000 persons would require four crowd managers; an event with 1,500 would require six crowd managers. One Crowd Manager must be designated as the Principal Crowd Manager.
Roles and Responsibilities
Event Coordinator: The Event Coordinator is the person who is responsible for the venue or event. The Event Coordinator is responsible for appointing the Principal Crowd Manager. The Principal Crowd Manager will report directly to the Event Coordinator. The Principal Crowd Manager and Event Coordinator may be the same person so long as their duties do not conflict. The UMW Crowd Management Check List is a resource provided to assist the Event Coordinator with the planning of events that require crowd managers.
Principal Crowd Manager: Before each event, the Principal Crowd Manager must perform a building safety inspection, and complete The UMW Pre Event Inspection Form and submit to the UMW Emergency Management and Safety Office at least 24 hours prior to the event. The Event Coordinator should approve this before submitted. The Principal Crowd Manager must wear identifiable clothing that distinguishes him or her from the general audience (i.e., uniform or other identifying apparel). The Principal Crowd Manager is responsible for:
- Completing Crowd Manager Training offered by The UMW Office of Emergency Management and Safety. The UMW Emergency Management and Safety Office will maintain a list of approved persons who may act as Crowd Managers.
- Appointing and coordinating Crowd Managers.
- Knowing primary and alternate egress routes and exit locations for the venue.
- Having command of the English language and the prominent language of the event.
- Coordinating or assisting with an orderly evacuation during an emergency.
- Knowing how to return lights to full brightness and having the ability to use the public address system (if available).
- Making an emergency exit announcement or appointing another qualified individual to perform this task.
- Knowing the approximate number of persons on site during an event, the maximum occupancy load of the venue, and ensuring that the latter is not exceeded.
- Having prior knowledge of the events activities in order to distinguish between event performances, theatrics, etc. and emergency situations.
- Notifying the Event Coordinator of safety issues that are identified prior to the event.
- Establishing contact with emergency response personnel when they arrive to relay pertinent information about the emergency such as cause, status, injuries, and facility information.
Crowd Managers: Crowd Managers are appointed by the Principal Crowd Manager. Crowd Managers are required to wear clothing that distinguishes him or her from the general audience (i.e., uniform or other identifying apparel). They will be responsible for any tasks that the Principal Crowd Manager assigns to them in addition to:
- Completing Crowd Manager Training offered by The UMW Office of Emergency Management and Safety. The UMW Emergency Management and Safety Office will maintain a list of approved persons who may act as Crowd Managers.
- Knowing primary and alternate egress routes and exit locations for the venue.
- Having command of the English Language or the predominate language of the event.
- Coordinating or assisting with an orderly evacuation during an emergency.
Emergency Exit Announcement
The Principal Crowd Manager or their designee is responsible for making an announcement at the beginning of each event that contains the following information:
- The locations of the exits from the venue.
- What to do during a fire alarm activation and any venue specific instructions.•
- How to identify Crowd Managers, if assistance is needed.
Post Event
The Principal Crowd Manager will complete a UMW Crowd Manager Post Event Checklist. This will allow for any accidents, incidents, or other event issues to be identified and corrected as necessary. This checklist will be utilized as an After Action Review. Identified issues or events will be noted and discussed to better improve the planning of future events
Training of University Staff
Training for all Crowd Managers is a requirement of this program. Training will be provided to University Staff here at UMW by The Office of Emergency Management and Safety. We will be posting our own online course material later for UMW Staff to use to meet this training requirement.
A prerequisite Crowd Manager Course from The NCDOI State FM’s Office is linked below and should be completed prior to attending University of Mary Washington Crowd Manager Training.
Training for Non-University Staff utilizing University Facilities to host events
The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office Crowd Manager Training Course is no longer offered free of charge through their website anymore. That course is now being offered through the following website for a per person charge. The University of Mary Washington will not be responsible for the cost of this program to non-UMW staff. Upon completion, Certificates of completion must be on file with The University Office of Emergency Management and Safety 48 hours prior to the event date. No one will allowed to be utilized as a Crowd Manager without this certificate on file. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy.
The following forms are utilized for Crowd Management and are able to be completed online and printed/signed for submission where required.
Crowd Management Event Checklist – This check list is for use by Event Coordinators and Principal Crowd Managers to plan and coordinate safety issues. This does not have to be submitted to Emergency Management and Safety Office.
Pre-Event Inspection Form – This form is required to be completed by the Event Coordinator /Principal Crowd Manager and submitted to The Emergency Management and Safety Office at least 24 hours prior to the event.
Post-Event Inspection Form – This form is required to be submitted after the event takes place. It will be utilized to review any issues or events that may pose concerns for future events.
Contact us for additional information
You may contact us via this web form or call us at 540-654-2108 for additional information on the Crowd Manager Program