Chapter 4: Notification and Labeling
Notification and Labeling
Once a building owner is aware of the presence of ACM within a facility a notification and warning program should be initiated. The purpose of this program is to 1) alert building occupants and personnel to a potential hazard 2) provide basic information on avoiding the hazard.
Notification may be accomplished by distributing notices and holding informational seminars.
Notification should include at a minimum:
- What asbestos is and how it is used
- Health effects associated with exposure
- Type and exact location of ACM in the building
- How to avoid disturbing the ACM
- How to recognize and report damage
- Steps being taken by the owner to minimize exposure and protect the
safety of the building occupants - Name and phone number of the asbestos contact person
Posting of warning signs is mandatory adjacent to any friable and non-friable ACM in routine maintenance areas. Labels should be attached directly to the ACM or at entrances to areas that contain ACM. They should also be used during renovation or repair activities that involve the disturbance of this material. The warning signs and labels shall have the format and wording required by OSHA 1910.1001. Examples of these are shown below.