Vendor Information
Vendor Application Forms
Food Vendor Application – CLOSED.
Non-Profit Vendor Application.
Performance Registration Form – UMW Student Groups only.
Table Information
Participants must provide their own tablecloths. You may bring your own tables(s). Tables will be provided by the Multicultural Center for an additional charge of $20.00. Chairs will be provided free of charge. Two electrical outlets will be provided for food vendors upon request. However, due to the University’s limited electrical capabilities, food vendors are encouraged to bring their own electrical equipment and accessories (i.e. extension cords, surge protectors, etc.).
In case of inclement weather: Vendor tables will be moved inside the University Center; however, space is limited. More information about the inclement weather plan will be available soon. All participants in the 2025 Multicultural Fair will be informed of any changes due to weather as soon as possible.
- Craft/Selling/Non-Profit Vendors will move inside the Chandler Ballroom, gallery area of the first floor, and on the second floor of the University Center.
- Food vendors will remain on Jefferson Square.
- Performers will move to indoor locations in Chandler Ballroom C, Cedric Rucker University Center, Lee Hall Underground, and Monroe Hall, Room 116.
Payment Information
Please do not submit any payment until your primary contact has received official approval from our office.
Due to a financial policy, the Multicultural Fair Planning Committee will only collect check/money order payments from vendors who are selected to participate in the Multicultural Fair.
If you have any questions, please email or call 540.654-1044. Thank you!