Sport Club Leadership Documents
Purchase Request Form
- The following form must be filled out to make any purchase using club funds.
- Choose one from the four categories: Check Request, Purchase Request, Reimbursement, Credit Card Request. (In case you choose to check out a Credit Card, please contact Julie Pugliese, prior to submission of form to ensure that a credit card can be available.
- Complete the description and fill out the amount. (Estimates are acceptable for Credit Card requests)
- An invoice highlighting the tax exemption must be submitted to ensure that the club does not get charged taxes.
- Upon retrieval of signatures of current club officers, please drop the form with the Julie Pugliese.
- Submission made past 2pm Friday afternoon, will only be reviewed and submitted on Monday.
Injury Report Form
- The following form must be filled out in the case of an injury on or off site.
- Please fill the information prompted accordingly.
- Once submitted, please email the current Sport Club Student Coordinator Miley Farley at your submission. A member from Campus Recreation will reach out to you and the injured individual.
- Campus Recreation will look to direct the injured individual to appropriate sources.
- Campus Recreation will look to maintain contact with the individual to track progress.
- Note to Club Leadership: The injured athlete is not allowed to rejoin practices until they receive a confirmation from Campus Recreation.
Sales-Tax Exempt Form
- This form can be used and submitted to indicate that the University is a Sales Tax exempt organization when making purchases.
- For instructions to fill out this form, please click here to be redirected to the UMW Finance page.
- Please contact Julie Pugliese prior to using this document.
Unallocated Funds Request Form
Please contact Julie Pugliese.
Student Travel Request Form
- Please ensure that you are part of the Club Sports Athletes organization to access this form.
- Please fill out the form accordingly.
- This form must be submitted no more than 48 hours prior of departure.
- In order to successfully fill out the form, leadership must complete and attached SC Travel Roster and Travel Itinerary.
- Once approved, please follow all instructions inscribed in the approval notice. It is expected that the club leadership provide and maintain contact with Campus Recreation staff on the day of travel.
UMW Van Request Form
- Please refer to the UMW Facilities Services website for instructions on how to fill out the form and submission deadline dates.
- Students must successfully pass the UMW Van Familiarization Class to be able to drive a UMW Van. To learn how to get certified, please click here.
- The following form cannot be signed by the Program Manager and can only be signed by Presidential designee. The designee for Campus Recreation is Michael Middleton, Interim Director of Campus Recreation.
Active Roster Sheet
- In the top left hand corner, please fill out your club information. A member from the club leadership is required to submit this document.
- Please use the following designation when filling out Class Year: (Freshman = F) (Sophomore = S) (Junior = J) (Senior = Sen) (Grad Student = G).
- Please use “R” to indicate if member is a returning member and “N” if member information was acquired from club events or is a new member.
- Please fill out the role/position this athlete plays in during competition.
- Please indicate “L” if athlete is in club leadership position. Please describe club leadership position and role.
Constitution Review
- Please use the following document to review your current constitution.
Semester Planning Sheet
- Click here to get monthly calendar for Fall semester.
- Click here to get monthly calendar for Spring semester.
- Use this planner to help plan your clubs semester effectively.
Sport Club Invoice Template
- Please click and download the form above.
- All checks must be emailed to the following address: The Fitness Center, 1301 College Ave, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22401.
- Club leadership will be notified once checks arrive and will have to go to the Cashier’s office to deposit.
- Deposit slips must be dropped off in the sport club drop box located outside the office.
Volunteer coaches information
If you are interested in becoming a UMW volunteer sport club coach, please take a look at the “For volunteers” section of the link below.
Any questions, comments or concerns regarding any of the forms can be directed to