Fitness Class Descriptions
Beginner exercisers, athletes, and all those in between are invited to try any of our fitness classes! After trying a few, you are bound to find the instructors and class formats that make you enjoy exercising and help you work towards your health and fitness goals. Don’t be afraid to try something new!
Faculty and Staff Yoga
50 minutes class
Join your colleagues for a midday, 50-minute gentle yoga class. We will begin with a warmup, practice a series of yoga poses designed to move the whole body, and finish with a deep relaxation. You will leave refreshed, relaxed and ready for whatever the afternoon brings. This class is suitable for beginners and those experienced with yoga.
45 minutes class
An upbeat workout inspired by ballet, yoga, and pilates that uses bodyweight exercises, the ballet barre, and light dumbbells to tone muscles and improve flexibility. This class is low impact and suitable for all fitness levels.
Full Body Strength
45 minutes class
A strength building class that uses both body weight and dumbbells in a circuit format. The class will also mix in cardio and balance movements to provide a full body workout.
Relaxation Yoga
60 minutes class
A time to unwind before the weekend. Through a series of gentle poses and breath work, the body will relax and revitalize while the mind quiets and calms. At the end of class, an extended deep relaxation will leave you easeful and tranquil. This class is suitable for those new to yoga and those who are experienced.
60 minutes class
Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music – dance themes creating a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system! From soca and salsa to bachata and hip-hop, get ready to move and groove to the beat. The routines feature aerobic/fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Every class is a party at Zumba!
Beginner Yoga
45 minutes class
A low impact class that builds strength, balance and flexibility. Coordinating movements with the breath keeps participants in each present moment and helps develop concentration and focus.
Total Body Conditioning
60 minutes class
A dynamic and explosive class to begin or continue your fitness journey. Each class will consist of strength and resistance training intermixed with moderate to high cardio bursts. This class targets all major muscle groups, ensuring you receive a full body workout. Prepare to leave class feeling more empowered and stronger than you arrived.
30 minutes class
An upbeat and challenging cardiovascular workout on an indoor bicycle. Classes will include combinations of hills, sprints, and intervals. All fitness levels welcome!
Stretch & Flow
45 minutes class
A low-impact class that will combine traditional stretching techniques and yoga flows. Focus will be on flexibility with deeper stretches and slow moving flows. Appropriate for all levels.
45 minutes class
A challenging, and modifiable, core-focused workout that helps participants tone muscles and improve flexibility.
Power Circuit
45 minutes class
A strength-training workout that will leave you feeling powerful! Regardless of your level of fitness, this class is welcome to all! Mainly circuit style, with a focus on acquiring correct form for new movements. You will see a mix of Full Body, Upper, and Lower Body Strength days throughout the semester!