Co-Curricular Transcript

Just like your academic transcript is a listing of your completed academic coursework, a Co-Curricular Transcript (CCT) is a compilation of all of your involvements outside of the classroom. Clubs you’re a member or officer of, community service you’ve done while at UMW, student employment and leadership positions you’ve held, and so much more. But unlike many other schools who have a co-curricular transcript, UMW takes it a step further.
We have outlined competencies and skills that Mary Wash students gain through co-curricular opportunities. These are skills that are needed in the workplace and we’ve connected these skills to your experiences to give you the language to set yourself apart in job interviews and graduate school applications.
There are so many opportunities to get involved and enhance what you’re learning inside the classroom. As you engage in more co-curricular opportunities, many of these can be automatically added to your CCT which can be downloaded from your profile when logged into myUMW. Your CCT is updated every time you complete community service hours and are “granted” experiences after completing them through UMW. You can also complete this form to be granted experiences and skills to be reflected on your CCT as well.
Click here to view a “How-to” guide to download your CCT from your profile.
The possibilities are endless when you get involved at UMW! Log into myUMW now to check out our clubs, events, and opportunities and see your CCT come to life!