Welcome to Student Conduct
Student Conduct and Responsibility’s supportive environment and knowledgeable staff is here to help you. On this site you will find information about the Code of Conduct, how the conduct system works, and other information that you may find helpful. We also have information for parents or guardians who have questions about the conduct process. To the left of this page you will find links to help guide you.
Mission Statement for Student Conduct and Responsibility
At the University of Mary Washington, the Office of Student Conduct and Responsibility promotes an environment of support and education for students to understand their accountability to the UMW community as well as opportunities for growth in decision making. This is done by upholding our community standards and the UMW Code of Conduct – the expectations that are set forth for all students on and off-campus. The Student Conduct and Responsibility office helps students explore their everyday decisions, examine personal and community impact, and participate in restorative practices.
Office Hours and Location
Student Conduct and Responsibility is located in Marye House. When you enter the building please let the front desk know you are here and they will contact the appropriate person.
Contact Us
Phone – 540-654-1058
E-mail – jrausche@umw.edu
Office Hours – Monday – Friday 8am-4pm