Eagle Chats

In all residential communities on campus residence life staff members engage residents in intentional conversations and interactions in order to build relationships and communicate relevant information that is pertinent to community members. These conversations are spread out throughout the year with at least two conversations happening in the fall and two happening in the spring. Residence life staff members are encouraged to talk with their residents more regularly than this of course. The two per semester is set as a minimum to ensure that even those students that are incredibly busy are seen by the RA semi-regularly. … [Read more...]


In apartment style residences including Eagle Landing and the UMW Apartments, residence life staff utilize electronic newsletters to communicate information that is relevant to residents of those communities.  These newsletters consist of brief articles written by resident assistants that highlight various aspects of the residential curriculum in informative, fun, and entertaining ways.  Whenever possible interactive components are included in the newsletters in order to engage residents in the learning process. … [Read more...]

Bulletin Boards

In the traditional residence halls including Alvey, Arrington, Ball, Bushnell, Custis, Jefferson, Madison, Marshall, Mason, Randolph, Russell, Virginia, Westmoreland, and Willard, residence life staff utilize bulletin boards as a way to communicate information to residents about topics that apply to the population of the community.  At least one bulletin board changes each month in order to highlight an area of responsibility of the curriculum.  Whenever possible staff members try to incorporate interactive components into these bulletin boards.  The interactive components are designed to engage students in the learning process. … [Read more...]

Global Responsibility

Global responsibility refers to the fact that the world today consists of one global community. This creates a need for individuals to consider the impact of their actions on a global scale. Thus, global responsibility focuses on the competencies of humanitarianism and civic engagement. Humanitarianism includes having an understanding and appreciation of human differences, the ability to learn about and interact effectively with people from different cultures coupled with overall social responsibility. Civic engagement includes a sense of civic responsibility, commitment to public life through communities of practice, the ability to engage in principled dissent, and effective leadership. Key Concepts: Humanitarianism Community Service Effective Leadership … [Read more...]

Community Responsibility

Community Responsibility refers to the ability to live in community with others. Community responsibility focuses on the practical competency of effective communication and interpersonal competencies that include collaboration, the ability to work with individuals different from one’s self, the ability to create meaningful relationships, and an understanding of the importance of interdependence. Key Concepts: Community Engagement Effective Communication … [Read more...]

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility centers on one’s personal beliefs in self, the dreams they have and the actions to be taken to make these dreams a reality. Personal responsibility focuses on the intrapersonal competencies of personal responsibility, which include personal attributes such as ethics and integrity and personal goal setting as well as practical competencies that include the ability to maintain personal health and wellness; prioritize time to achieve a balance in academics, leisure activities, and other obligations; and economic self-sufficiency. Key Concepts: Honor & Integrity Goal Achievement Personal Health & Wellness Life after college … [Read more...]

Second Year Track

Key Concepts: Personal Responsibility Honor & Integrity Goal Achievement Life Balance Community Responsibility Community Engagement Effective Communication Global Responsibility Community Service Effective Leadership Signature Events: First Floor Meetings - August 23, 2015 Goal Setting Resources - TBD Major Exploration Fair - September, 2015 Avenue Q - November 5 -22, 2015 Leadership Colloquium - November 7, 2015 COAR Head Start Shoebox Service Event - December 2015 Goodwill Drop & Go - April 2016   … [Read more...]

Third & Fourth Year Track

Key Concepts: Personal Responsibility Honor & Integrity Goal Achievement Life after Graduation Community Responsibility Community Engagement Global Responsibility Humanitarianism Community Service Signature Events: First Floor Meetings - August 23, 2015 Graduate School Fair - October 6, 2015 Job/Internship Fair - October 27, 2015 Goal Setting, Five Year Plan - TBD Avenue Q - November 5 -22, 2015 Women’s History Month Keynote Speaker - March 2016 Goodwill Drop & Go - April 2016 … [Read more...]

UMW Apartments

There will be three separate housing selection processes for the UMW Apartments, depending on the room configuration.  The first two processes listed are opt-in only; this means all students wishing to be able to participate in this process must log into https://umw-residence.symplicity.com and select "opt-in" for the appropriate process (during the opt-in period only); groups will then be given a time to select an apartment.  Further instructions will be communicated to those students who have opted into these processes prior to the process taking place.  It is anticipated there will be more groups of students opting into the process than there are apartments to select.  Those unable to select will need to select an assignment in a later process.  Students selecting UMW Apartments must fill the entire apartment (every bed in every room), and may not add beds to configurations. One Double Room     |     Opt-in Period: Friday, February 27 - Monday, March 9     |     Process Takes … [Read more...]

Eagle Landing Mixed-Sex Apartment Process

Only current students may choose the Eagle Landing mixed-sex apartment housing assignment during the housing selection process.  A group of four current students consisting of two females and two males may choose to live together in one apartment (the females in one double room, and the males in the other double room).  Should any student depart their housing assignment, the remaining student group would have 48 hours to find a replacement roommate to fill the vacancy; if a replacement is not found, the roommate of the departing student must move to another housing assignment to allow for the apartment to be available coded as a single-sex apartment for the duration of the academic year. Each of the four students wishing to opt-into this process must submit both their Housing Agreement application and the Eagle Landing Mixed Sex Suite Form, available at https://orgsync.com/59554/forms/131495 by February 27, 2015. … [Read more...]