Navigating Your Student Account (for the Professional Network)

How To: Navigating Your Student Account

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  1. Go to:
  2. Sign in. If you do not already have an account, you will need to make one.
    • If you are making a new account, you will need to press sign up and enter as much information as possible. When you submit the application, you will get an email confirmation to the email address you provided. Click on the link to confirm your email.
    • Once you confirm your email, your account will be approved in 3-4 business days.* Once your account is approved, you will be sent an email to create a password.
    • During this process make sure you are checking your inbox and spam folders
  3. After you confirm your email and create your password, you are free to log in and begin as soon as you like.
  4. On the left side of the page, scroll over the grey sidebar and find Networking. There, you will find a list of all the mentors. You can conduct an advanced search by clicking “more filters” under the search bar. You can search mentors by their major, extracurricular activities, job status, etc.
  5. When you are looking for your mentor, make sure to go through your whole list before choosing someone.
  6. If you find someone you might like to have you can “favorite” their profile so you can bookmark their profile as you keep searching. Once you find the person who you would like you can press the “show interest” button. Please do not show interest in more than one person at a time!

*Graduating honors students- email once you have made your account and your account will be approved ASAP.